We are migrating all our use of docker to podman for our shared servers, mostly to take advantage of the great support for rootless podman. I recently wanted to find a way to stop adding individual users to the /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid maps, as well as make all the maps be the same across systems to be able to attribute ownership for residual files created in containers on a networked (distributed ceph) file system. Also, we have a federated IdM setup, so no users are created locally each server, so it has to be globally maintained and handle non-contiguous user-id ranges. Since we already use Ansible to do our configuration, this was easy.

Ansible playbook fragment:

      2000: 2099
      5000: 5299

    - name: podman | define subuid/subgid ranges
        src: etc/subXid.j2
        dest: "{{ item }}"
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0644
        - /etc/subuid
        - /etc/subgid

Jinja2 template:

# {{ ansible_managed }}
# Rather than create UID/GID maps by username:
#   eric:100000:65536
# this will create maps by UID:
#   1001:65601536:65536
# Moreover, we ensure the maps are non-overlapping regardless of
# login UID/GID by bitwise shifting login id to the left, 16 bits.
# This works since the size of each range is 2^16 == 65536.
# Where that convention comes from, I have no idea.  `useradd`?
# Note that the `bitwise_shift` function is a custom filter.
{% for start, end in podman_idmap_ranges.items() %}
{%   for id in range(start | int, end + 1) %}
{{ id }}:{{ id | bitwise_shift_left(16) }}:65536
{%   endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Other notes:

If you have a better solution, I’d love to hear it.